Other Publications


Invited Conference Presentations


(1) Direction neutral broadband RF technology for ‘One Touch’ DOCSIS network upgrades
J.D. van der Tang, RF Benelux conference presentation 2023, Technetix
Presentation (pdf)

(2) BLE radio integration meets analog: integration challenges of tomorrow’s BLE SoC
J.D. van der Tang, RF Benelux conference presentation 2019, Dialog Semiconductor
Presentation (pdf)

(3) Next-Generation Connected Wearables: a Hands(/Wrist)-on Technology Overview
J.D. van der Tang, RF Benelux conference presentation 2017, Dialog Semiconductor
Presentation (pdf)


Conference and Journal Papers


(1) Minimum Power-Consumption Estimation in ROM-Based DDFS for Frequency-Hopping Ultralow-Power Transmitters
Lopelli, E.; van der Tang, J.D.; van Roermund, A.;
Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 56 , Issue: 1
Publication Year: 2009 , Page(s): 256 - 267
Paper (pdf)

(2) A 1.2V inductorless receiver front-end for multi-standard wireless applications
Vidojkovic, M.; Vidojkovic, V.; Sanduleanu, M.A.T.; van der Tang, J.; Baltus, P.; van Roermund, A.;
Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2008 IEEE
Publication Year: 2008 , Page(s): 41 - 44
Paper (pdf)

(3) A 60uW/180uW Digitally Controlled Switched-Cap LC Oscillator for 900MHz/2.4GHz operation
Vinella, R.M.; van der Tang, J.D.;
Microwave Conference, 2008. EuMC 2008. 38th European
Publication Year: 2008 , Page(s): 717 - 720
Paper (pdf)

(4) A 1.2V receiver front-end for multi-standard wireless applications in 65 nm CMOS LP
Vidojkovic, M.; Sanduleanu, M.A.T.; Vidojkovic, V.; van der Tang, J.; Baltus, P.; van Roermund, A.H.M.;
Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2008. ESSCIRC 2008. 34th European
Publication Year: 2008 , Page(s): 414 - 417
Paper (pdf)

(5) A 1.2 V, Inductorless, Broadband LNA in 90 nm CMOS LP
Vidojkovic, M.; Sanduleanu, M.; van der Tang, J.; Baltus, P.; van Roermund, A.;
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2007 IEEE
Publication Year: 2007 , Page(s): 53 - 56
Paper (pdf)

(6) A broadband, inductorless LNA for multi-standard aplications
Vidojkovic, M.; Sanduleanu, M.; van der Tang, J.; Baltus, P.; van Roermund, A.;
Circuit Theory and Design, 2007. ECCTD 2007. 18th European Conference on
Publication Year: 2007 , Page(s): 260 - 263
Paper (pdf)

(7) A Frequency Offset Recovery Algorithm for Crystal-Less Transmitters
Lopelli, E.; van der Tang, J.; van Roermund, A.H.M.;
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on
Publication Year: 2006 , Page(s): 1 - 5
Paper (pdf)

(8) An ultra-low power predistortion-based FHSS transmitter
Lopelli, E.; van der Tang, J.; van Roermund, A.H.M.;
Circuits and Systems, 2006. ISCAS 2006. Proceedings. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on
Publication Year: 2006
Paper (pdf)

(9) A sub-mA FH frequency synthesizer technique
Lopelli, E.; van der Tang, J.; van Roermund, A.;
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2006 IEEE
Publication Year: 2006
Paper (pdf)

(10) Explicit design equations for class-E power amplifiers with small DC-feed inductance
Milosevic, D.; van der Tang, J.; van Roermund , A.;
Circuit Theory and Design, 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 European Conference on
Volume: 3
Publication Year: 2005 , Page(s): III/101 - III/104 vol. 3
Paper (pdf)

(11) HW/SW co-design for SoC on mobile platforms
van der Tang, J.; van Rumpt, H.; Kasperkovitz, D.;
System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, 2005. Proceedings. Fifth International Workshop on
Publication Year: 2005 , Page(s): 19 - 23
Paper (pdf)

(12) I/Q LC oscillators with an octave tuning range for TV on mobile platforms
van der Tang, J.; Amiot, R.; van Rumpt, H.; Kasperkovitz, D.; van Roermund, A.;
Radio Frequency integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2005. Digest of Papers. 2005 IEEE
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RFIC.2005.1489866
Publication Year: 2005 , Page(s): 531 - 534
Paper (pdf)

(13) Design of Flexible RF Building Blocks-A Method for Implementing Configurable RF Transceiver Architectures
Vidojkovic, M.; van der Tang, J.; Baltus, P.; van Roermund, A.;
Communications, 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on
Publication Year: 2005 , Page(s): 445 - 449
Paper (pdf)

(14) RF Building Blocks and Entertainment SoCs for Mobile Telecommunication Platforms
van der Tang, J.; van Rumpt, H.; Kasperkovitz, D.; van Roermund, A.;
Communications, 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on
Publication Year: 2005 , Page(s): 440 - 444
Paper (pdf)

(15) A high-efficiency HBT-based class-E power amplifier for 2 GHz
Milosevic, D.; van der Tang, J.; vann Roermund, A.;
Gallium Arsenide and Other Semiconductor Application Symposium, 2005. EGAAS 2005. European
Publication Year: 2005 , Page(s): 45 - 48
Paper (pdf)

(16) Adaptive mixers with a discretely and a continuously adjustable performance space
Vidojkovic, M.; van der Tang, J.; Baltus, P.; van Roermund, A.;
Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, 2005 PhD
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 2005 , Page(s): 51 - 54
Paper (pdf)

(17) Intermodulation products in the EER technique applied to class-E amplifiers
Milosevic, D.; van der Tang, J.; van Roermund, A.;
Circuits and Systems, 2004. ISCAS '04. Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 2004 , Page(s): I - 637-40 Vol.1
Paper (pdf)

(18) Low voltage, low power folded-switching mixer with current-reuse in 0.18 μm CMOS
Vidojkovic, V.; van der Tang, J.; Leeuwenburgh, A.; van Roermund, A.;
Circuits and Systems, 2004. ISCAS '04. Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on
Volume: 1
Paper (pdf)

(19) A DECT/Bluetooth multi-standard front-end with adaptive image rejection in 0.18 μm CMOS
Vidojkovic, V.; van der Tang, J.; Leeuwenburgh, A.; van Roermund, A.;
Circuits and Systems, 2004. ISCAS '04. Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 2004 , Page(s): I - 573-6 Vol.1
Paper (pdf)

(20) Fully-integrated DECT/Bluetooth multi-band LNA in 0.18 μm CMOS
Vidojkovic, V.; van der Tang, J.; Hanssen, E.; Leeuwenburgh, A.; van Roermund, A.;
Circuits and Systems, 2004. ISCAS '04. Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 2004 , Page(s): I - 565-8 Vol.1
Paper (pdf)

(21) A high gain, low voltage folded-switching mixer with current-reuse in 0.18 μm CMOS
Vidojkovic, V.; van der Tang, J.; Leeuwenburgh, A.L.; van Roermund, A.;
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2004. Digest of Papers. 2004 IEEE
Publication Year: 2004 , Page(s): 31 - 34
Paper (pdf)

(22) On the feasibility of application of class E RF power amplifiers in UMTS
Milosevic, D.; van der Tang, J.; van Roermund, A.;
Circuits and Systems, 2003. ISCAS '03. Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 2003 , Page(s): I-149 - I-152 vol.1
Paper (pdf)

(23) A surface-mounted RF IC technology demonstrated with a 10 GHz LC oscillator with copper coils
van der Tang, J.; Dekker, R.; van Roermund, A.;
Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the IEEE 2003
Publication Year: 2003 , Page(s): 529 - 532
Paper (pdf)

(24) A 5.3 GHz phase shift tuned I/Q LC oscillator with 1.1 GHz tuning range
van der Tang, J.; van Roermund, A.;
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2003 IEEE
Publication Year: 2003 , Page(s): 647 - 650

(25) A cost–effective multi–band LC oscillator for low–IF FM radio receivers
van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.; Harm Rumpt; van Roermund, A.;
Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2002. ESSCIRC 2002. Proceedings of the 28th European
Publication Year: 2002 , Page(s): 819 - 822
Paper (pdf)

(26) Analysis of an 1.8 - 2.5 GHz multi-standard high image-reject front-end
Vidojkovic, V.; van der Tang, J.; Leeuwenburgh, A.; van Roermund, A.;
Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2002. 9th International Conference on
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 2002 , Page(s): 73 - 76 vol.1
Paper (pdf)

(27) Design and optimization of a low jitter clock-conversion PLL for SONET/SDH optical transmitters
van der Tang, J.D.; Vaucher, C.S.;
Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2001. ICECS 2001. The 8th IEEE International Conference on
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 2001 , Page(s): 31 - 34 vol.1
Paper (pdf)

(28) An optimally coupled 5 GHz quadrature LC oscillator
van de Ven, P.; van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.; van Roermund, A.;
VLSI Circuits, 2001. Digest of Technical Papers. 2001 Symposium on
Publication Year: 2001 , Page(s): 115 - 118
Paper (pdf)

(29) A 9.8-11.5 GHz quadrature ring oscillator for optical receivers
van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.; Van Roermund, A.;
Custom Integrated Circuits, 2001, IEEE Conference on.
Publication Year: 2001 , Page(s): 323 - 326
Paper (pdf)

(30) A 65 mW, 0.4-2.3 GHz bandpass filter for satellite receivers
van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.; Bretveld, A.;
Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2000. CICC. Proceedings of the IEEE 2000
Publication Year: 2000 , Page(s): 383 - 386
Paper (pdf)

(31) Oscillator design efficiency: a new figure of merit for oscillator benchmarking
van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.;
Circuits and Systems, 2000. Proceedings. ISCAS 2000 Geneva. The 2000 IEEE International Symposium on
Volume: 2
Publication Year: 2000 , Page(s): 533 - 536 vol.2
Paper (pdf)

(32) A 2.7 V, 8 GHz monolithic I/Q RC oscillator with active inductive loads
van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.; Centurelli, F.; van Roermund, A.;
Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2000. ESSCIRC '00. Proceedings of the 26th European
Publication Year: 2000 , Page(s): 332 - 335
Paper (pdf)

(33) A monolithic 0.4 mW SOA LC voltage–controlled oscillator
van der Tang, J.; Hahn, S.;
Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1999. ESSCIRC '99. Proceedings of the 25th European
Publication Year: 1999 , Page(s): 150 - 153
Paper (pdf)

(34) Monolithic microwave LC oscillator based on a novel phase noise characterization method
van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.;
Frequency and Time Forum, 1999 and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, 1999., Proceedings of the 1999 Joint Meeting of the European
Volume: 1
Publication Year: 1999 , Page(s): 429 - 432 vol.1
Paper (pdf)

(35) Fast phase noise analysis method for noise optimisation of oscillators
van der Tang, J.; Kasperkovitz, D.;
Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1998. ESSCIRC '98. Proceedings of the 24th European
Publication Year: 1998 , Page(s): 504 - 507
Paper (pdf)